Cool Jane is more than just a conversation. It’s a movement.

The shame caused by stigma, restrictive beliefs, inadequate education, and cultural otherness is the issue that we’re tackling at Cool Jane by creating a sex-positive conversation about STIs.



I’m an aspiring psychotherapist, coach, entrepreneur and advocate working to break the stigma around sex and STIs. Living with an STI doesn’t make you less, in fact, it can help you define self-worth beyond sex. Cool Jane is our way of catalyzing a shift in the way we think about sex and STIs through honesty, levity, and community.



I’ve been on my own journey to deconstruct the harmful social conditioning around women and their sexuality. My hope is that together we can build a supportive community to remove the shame and double-standards we’ve been taught, both consciously and subconsciously. As a designer, I hope to create a brand which echoes empowerment, authenticity, and style.